Sebastopol, CA
Pachyderm Station
Lineup: Les Claypool - Bass, Larry Lalonde - Guitar, Tim Alexander - Drums
Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers >
Lacquer Head >
Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers
Too Many Puppies >
Sgt. Baker >
Too Many Puppies
American Life
Pudding Time
The Antipop
Seas of Cheese
Mr. Krinkle
The Heckler
Eclectic Electric
Harold of the Rocks
Over the Electric Grapevine
Jerry Was A Race Car Driver
The Seven
Southbound Pachyderm
- Lacquer Head and Sgt. Baker were unfinished
- Cosmic Highway tease during Over the Electric Grapevine
General Notes about this show:
Alive at Pachyderm Station paid webcast. Aired 12/11/2020