The Claypool Lennon Delirium
New Haven, CT
College Street Music Hall

Lineup: Les Claypool - Bass, Sean Lennon - Guitar, Paulo Baldi - Drums, Pete Drungle - Keyboards


There's No Underwear in Space
Astronomy Domine
Cricket and the Genie (Movement I, The Delirium)
Cricket and the Genie (Movement II, Oratorio Di Cricket)
Breath of a Salesman
The Monolith of Phobos
Cosmic Highway
Boomerang Baby
Mr. Wright
The Court of the Crimson King
Bubbles Burst
Heart of the Sunrise
Thela Hun Ginjeet
Tomorrow Never Knows

Southbound Pachyderm

- Underwear was played over the P.A. as the intro music
- Bangkok and Money teases before Pachyderm