The Claypool Lennon Delirium
Tampa, FL
The Ritz

Lineup: Les Claypool - Bass, Sean Lennon - Guitar, Paulo Baldi - Drums, Money Mark - Keyboards


There's No Underwear in Space
Cricket and the Genie (Movement I, The Delirium)
Cricket and the Genie (Movement II, Oratorio Di Cricket)
Breath of a Salesman
The Monolith of Phobos
Up on the Roof
Bubbles Burst
Mr. Wright
Boomerang Baby
Oxycontin Girl
Astronomy Domine
Captain Lariat
Tomorrow Never Knows

Southbound Pachyderm

- Underwear was played over the P.A. as the intro music
- Cosmic Highway tease before Captain Lariat
- Running the Gauntlet tease before Southbound Pachyderm

General Notes about this show:
JJUUJJUU opening