Duo De Twang
San Francisco, CA
Great American Music Hall
Lineup: Les Claypool - Dobro, Bryan Kehoe - Guitar
Buzzards of Green Hill
Amos Moses
Wynona's Big Brown Beaver
Red State Girl
Stayin Alive
Booneville Stomp
Bridge Came Tumbling Down
South Park Theme
Battle of New Orleans
Bee Double Oh Zee Ee
Jerry Was A Race Car Driver
Primus Medley
Iowan Gal
Rumble of the Diesel
Cocaine Blues
- Wiley Woods sat in on Stayin Alive and Battle of New Orleans
- MIRV sat in on Hendershot
- Gabby LaLa, Boots Riley and Reformed Whores sat in on Pipeline
- Gabby LaLa sat in on Rumble of the Diesel
- Gabby LaLa, MIRV and Wiley Woods sat in on Cocaine Blues
- Dueling Banjos tease before Stayin' Alive
- Halloween Theme tease during Pipeline
- Third Stone from the Sun tease during Jerry Was A Race Car Driver
- Primus medley tease before Iowan Gal consisting of Too Many Puppies, Tommy the Cat, American Life, Toys Go Winding Down, and John the Fisherman. Dont Fear the Reaper tease during Too Many Puppies
- Primus Medley and Iowan Gal were performed by Les solo