Fancy Band
Charlotte, NC
Neighborhood Theatre

Lineup: Les Claypool - Bass, Skerik - Saxophone, Mike Dillon - Percussion, Paulo Baldi - Drums


Up on the Roof
David Makalaster I
Long in the Tooth
A Shot in the Dark
Duchess and the Proverbial Mind Spread
Calling Kyle
Drum and Whamola Jam
Of Whales and Woe
Rumble of the Diesel
Hello Skinny
One Better

American Life
Iowan Gal
D's Diner

- Les played upright on Duchess and the Proverbial Mind Spread
- Empty Spaces and Southbound Pachyderm teases during David Makalaster I
- The Bed's Too Big Without You tease during Long in the Tooth
- Them Changes and Tommy the cat teases during One Better