Mesa, AZ
Mesa Amphitheatre
Lineup: Les Claypool - Bass, Larry Lalonde - Guitar, Tim Alexander - Drums
To Defy the Laws of Tradition
The Toys Go Winding Down
American Life
Frizzle Fry
Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers
Seas of Cheese
De Anza Jig
Drums >
Is It Luck?
My Name is Mud
Jerry Was A Race Car Driver
Wynona's Big Brown Beaver
- Greet the Sacred Cow tease before Frizzle Fry
- Ahh... The Name is Bootsy, Baby! tease during Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers
- Blind and Master of Puppets teases during Is It Luck?
- Jingle Bells tease after Is It Luck?
General Notes about this show:
Gogol Bordello Opened