Bucket of Bernie Brains
Atlanta, GA
The Variety Playhouse

Lineup: Les Claypool - Bass, Buckethead - Guitar, Brain - Drums, Bernie Worrell - Keyboards


Bernie Intro
The Big Eyeball in the Sky
Thai Noodles
Elephant Ghost
Drum and Whamola Jam
Highball with the Devil
48 Hours To Go

Music for the Elephant Man
Hip Shot From The Slab

- Gabby La La sat in on vocals for The Big Eyeball in the Sky and Hip Shot from the Slab
- Smoke on the Water tease during Bernie intro
- In the Hall of the Mountain King tease during Big Eyeball in the Sky
- Do That Stuff and Old McDonald teases during Highball with the Devil
- Big Sur Moon, Pirate's Life for Me, Pure Imagination, and Star Wars teases during Music for the Elephant Man
- My Name is Mud tease during Hip Shot from the Slab