Les Claypool and the Rat Brigade
Bridgeport, CT
Gathering of the Vibes
Lineup: Les Claypool - Bass, Jay Lane - Drums, Jeff Chimenti - Keyboards
Tommy the Cat
Rapper's Delight >
Another One Bites the Dust
Wynona's Big Brown Beaver
Hello Skinny
The Awakening >
Jam 1 >
Shattering Song
Tomorrow Never Knows
Batman Jam
- Jam 1, Shattering Song, Tomorrow Never Knows and Batman Jam with Kenny Brooks on Saxaphone
- Tomorrow Never Knows and Batman Jam with Bob Weir on Guitar
- Thank You (Falletin Me Be Mice Elf Agin) tease during Tommy the Cat
- Thank You and Glide teases during Awakening
- Semi-Wondrous Boat Ride tease during Tomorrow Never Knows
- In the Flesh tease after Hello Skinny
- School Days and Riders on the Storm teases during Shattering Song