Oakland, CA
Henry J. Kaiser Arena
Lineup: Les Claypool - Bass, Larry Lalonde - Guitar, Tim Alexander - Drums
Here Come the Bastards
Nature Boy >
Hello Skinny >
Nature Boy
Groundhog's Day
Seas of Cheese
Spegetti Western
Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers
My Name is Mud
The Ol' Diamondback Sturgeon
Fish On
The Toys Go Winding Down >
Pudding Time
The Air is Getting Slippery
Pork Soda
Mr. Krinkle
Hamburger Train
John the Fisherman
Thela Hun Ginjeet
To Defy the Laws of Tradition
Jerry Was A Race Car Driver
- Les played upright for Thela Hin Ginjeet while the characters from the Mr. Krinkle video wandered the stage. Bob Cock was MC
- YYZ tease before Here Come the Bastards
- Over the Mountain tease during Nature Boy
- Thieves tease during Pudding Time
General Notes about this show:
New Years Freakout with House of Pain and the Charlie Hunter Trio