Fancy Band
Los Angeles, CA
Wiltern Theater
Lineup: Les Claypool - Bass, Skerik - Saxophone, Mike Dillon - Percussion, Paulo Baldi - Drums
Buzzards of Green Hill
Buzzards of Green Hill Reprise
Duchess and the Proverbial Mind Spread
David Makalaster I
Rumble of the Diesel
Vernon the Company Man
Coat Tails of a Dead Man
One Step Beyond
Drum and Whamola Jam
Of Whales and Woe
One Better
D's Diner
Electric Funeral
- Trey Spruance sits in on Guitar for Vernon the Company Man
- Southbound Pachyderm tease during David Makalaster I
- Hot for Teacher tease during Drums
- Mr. Oysterhead, Glide and Tommy the Cat teases during One Better