Frog Brigade
Milwaukee, WI
Eagles Auditorium

Lineup: Les Claypool - Bass, Bryan Kehoe - Guitar, Skerik - Saxophone, Mike Dillon - Percussion, Paulo Baldi - Drums


La Villa Strangiato
Whole Lotta Rosie
The Song Remains the Same (2 minutes)
Moby Dick
Lights in the Sky (20 Min)
The Family and the Fishing Net
Tomorrow Never Knows (20 Min)
Drum Solo (Les)

Ding Dang
David Makalaster I >
O Sole Mio >
David Makalaster I >
Buzzards of Green Hill
Long in the Tooth
Polka Your Eye Out
Highball with the Devil >
Drums >
Hair >
Highball with the Devil
Lights in the Sky
Cosmic Highway

Granny's Little Yard Gnome
D's Diner

- Ralph Carney sits in on Long in the Tooth and Polka Your Eye Out
- Cygnus X-1 tease before Ding Dang
- Stranglehold and Southbound Pachyderm tease during David Makalaster I
- Running with the Devil and Rapper's Delight teases during Long in the Tooth
- Tommy the Cat tease during Hair