Frog Brigade
Chicago, IL
Vic Theatre

Lineup: Les Claypool - Bass, Bryan Kehoe - Guitar, Skerik - Saxophone, Mike Dillon - Percussion, Paulo Baldi - Drums


Thela Hun Ginjeet
Ding Dang
Long in the Tooth
Monkey Boy
Highball with the Devil >
Drums >
Highball with the Devil
Running the Gauntlet
2000 Light Years from Home >
Cosmic Highway

David Makalaster I

- Shag and Dueling Banjos teases during Thela Hun Ginjeet
- Jaws and Toys Go Winding Down teases during Hendershot
- Star Spangled Banner, Is It Luck?, Wynona's Big Brown Beaver and Cygnus X-1 teases during 2000 Light Years from Home
- Southbound Pachyderm tease during David Makalaster I