Denver, CO
Ogden Theatre
Lineup: Les Claypool - Bass, Larry Lalonde - Guitar, Brain - Drums
John the Fisherman
To Defy the Laws of Tradition
Here Come the Bastards
Duchess and the Proverbial Mind Spread
Groundhog's Day
Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers
Jerry Was A Race Car Driver
Puddin' Taine
My Name is Mud
Too Many Puppies >
Hello Skinny >
Too Many Puppies
The Antipop
Harold of the Rocks
Tommy the Cat
- Buckethead sits in on Ballad of Buckethead and Tommy the Cat
- Ballad of Buckethead and Rapper's Delight teases during Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers
- Stairway to Heaven tease before Puddin' Taine
- Semi-Wondrous Boatride tease before Too Many Puppies
- South Park Theme tease during Harold of the Rocks outro
- Chastising of Renegade tease during Tommy the Cat
General Notes about this show:
Off-Ozzfest Date