Norfolk, VA
The Boathouse

Lineup: Les Claypool - Bass, Larry Lalonde - Guitar, Brain - Drums


John the Fisherman
Pudding Time
Duchess and the Proverbial Mind Spread
Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers
My Name is Mud
Bob's Party Time Lounge
Jerry Was A Race Car Driver
Shake Hands with Beef
Seas of Cheese
Over the Falls
Too Many Puppies
Frizzle Fry
Tommy the Cat >
The Awakening >
Tommy the Cat

Southbound Pachyderm
Groundhog's Day

- Hello Skinny tease during Southbound Pachyderm
- Highball with the Devil tease during Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers
- Stairway to Heaven tease before Seas of Cheese
- Glide and The Jam teases during Tommy the Cat